Town Facilities

Essay by muneebmemonJunior High, 9th gradeA+, April 2007

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Our town is in the seventh heaven as it has received a large sum of money to improve the facilities for public amenities but there is a problem on how to utilize the amount, I think the money should be used on creating facilities for younger people for their education and other things.

I consider that a study centre should be created in which many different courses should be available such as English courses to improve English and in which students could get help in there homework. A place should be created where younger people can get help in career advice for their future education so they can have a bright future. Our town needs more culture so an art centre is needed. An internet café can be created so that people can get connected throughout the world and younger people can research easily for the projects which they get from their schools.

A new sports centre can be created so that the public can get training for the sports.

The funds should be used for the development of the town and it should not be wasted.