Traits Of Ferocity

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade April 2001

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Traits of Ferocity and Determination.

Above all else, there are a few prominent qualities present in Charlemagne's lineage: determination, intellect, and ruling ability. With these traits in hand, one can achieve endless great things, just as Charlemagne did. Pepin, his father Charles, his son Charlemagne, and Charlemagne's son Pepin, among others, all share the ferocity and brilliance needed to rule and greatly expand a kingdom, although Charlemange proved to be the most successful. To understand the life of Charlemagne you must first examine the lives of his father, Pepin, and his grandfather, Charles.

Using war as the only tool for expansion, Charles Martel crushed all of the rebels taking attempting to take over Franconia. Because Charles Martel defeated the Saracens so badly in two different battles while they were trying to overtake Gual, the Saracens had to retreat to Spain. After this he received the office of majordomo and served his kingdom very well.

When Charles Martel died, the office of majordomo was then passed to Pepin, Charlemagne's father. Pepin fought against Waifar, the duke of Aquistaine, for nine straight years. But at the ending of the war, Pepin died of dropsy in Paris.

Pepin had two surviving sons, Charles and Carloman. The Franks decided they should be kings if they shared the kingdom fairly, Charles ruling what belonged to Pepin, and Carloman the same as his Uncle Carloman. Charles and Carloman successfully maintained peace even though Carloman's followers sought to create a conflict. Carloman Floyd 2 died much before Charlemagne and at that time Charlemagne was assumed king of the entire dynasty.

Charlemagne's father Pepin was very much like his father Charles Martel in the ways of war and conquest. They both fought determined to win and they eventually did. Because I am interpreting from this singular source, it will be very hard to know exactly how much was conquered and how much was lost, but we can assume there was more good than bad.

Charlemagne was also much like Pepin. Both Charlemagne and Pepin ruled the same area of Franconia, though Charlemagne greatly expanded it. Charlemagne and his father carried out a military campaign against the Aquitainians. Whether talking about Charlemagne or Pepin, when either one set their mind and their assets on a certain task, it was completed, according to this biography, without fail.

One way in which Charles and Pepin differ is on the campaign against the Lombards. When Pepin was fighting the Lombards, he fought very quickly. Pepin forced Aistulf to give hostages back to Franconia and to return cities taken. But Charlemagne's battles were somewhat more profound, as was all of his victories. Charlemagne didn't yield against the Lombards until he had forced King Desiderius to surrender unconditionally after weakening him to little assets.

According to this biography, Charlemagne was much like his fathers and his sons, he never lost. I'm sure some of Charlemagne's accidents and lost battles were not mentioned for a reason, but the reader can assume they happened.