Transylvanian Supersitions by Emily Gerard

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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In "Transylvanian Superstitions," Emily Gerard gives a brief yet in-depth description about a number of Transylvanian stories and mythological characters. She explains to the reader that there are three main reasons behind Transylvanian Superstitions.

The first source originates from the land of Transylvania, filled with many places that are thought to be excellent homes for certain figures. It is almost as if each hill, cave, or crevasse has its own story behind it. A great deal of superstitions and stories were carried to Transylvania by the Saxons. These Saxon myths were then developed into even deeper stories by the Transylvanians. One other cause of superstitions floating through Transylvania is the gypsies who wandered the lands telling myths and tales. St. George's Day, April 23, is construed as a momentous day for the people and spirits of Transylvania. Transylvanians would place blocks of green grass in front of all their doors and windows in order to protect themselves from witches.

During the night, people traveled through hills looking everywhere for riches and fortune. In order to find these fortunes, people searched for small blue flames "resembling the colour of lighted spirits of wine," just above the ground which would hopefully lead them towards fascinating discoveries (Qtd. In Stoker 333). According to myths, these treasure hunters, at times, must go through a number of stipulations in order to earn the treasure. Gerard concludes the passage with a final touch to the superstitions of Transylvanian treasures, saying that, when flames are seen before midnight spirits holds the treasure.