Trojan Women- Helen's Case

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade November 2001

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Helen's Case In the story of the "Trojan Women," Helen, the Queen of Sparta, is blamed for the deaths at Troy and placed on trial by Hecuba to justify the now widows of Troy. Helen makes a better case than Hecuba because she effectively blames Paris, Menelaus, and Deiphobus for the events that happened at Troy.

Helen says that Paris was given three choices by the gods: control over Europe, control over Asia, or beauty (herself). Therefore, it could not have been Helen's fault since it was fate that brought her to Troy. If Paris would have chosen control over either of the other two continents, more people would have been killed.

Secondly, it was Menelaus' fault for leaving Paris with Helen and going off to war for ten years. No husband in their right mind would leave their wife with another man. If Menelaus would have stayed with his wife (thus proving love for her over war and all its booty's), perhaps the gods would have given Paris another woman of beauty, seeing how much Menelaus cared for Helen.

It was not as if Helen wanted to stay in the confinements of Troy. She tried to escape many times to go back home, but she had been forced by Deiphobus to stay and marry him. Married against her own will, there was nothing more Helen could do except to stay and give her services to the people, but they turned against her.

Helen's case is more effective because she begins the trial with her defense, not letting someone point the finger at her first. Because she placed the blame on Paris, Menelaus, and Deiphobus, she was able to win the trial of the Trojan women.