Truths About Human Condition In "Ender’s Game"

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade September 2001

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Although "Ender's Game" is a fictional book, it still tells many truths about life and the human condition. The book addresses many issues that occur in everyday life on earth. Throughout the book Ender, the main character who is a young child, is faced with many real problems such as isolation, and corruption of power.

Ender's isolation was a result of his teachers' eagerness for him to rapidly improve. By being isolated Ender was not in contact with people his age and he was forced to work hard and not be distracted. Consequently, Ender was hindered by being a social outcast because as is stated in the movie "The Shining" says, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Ender had no chance to be creative and do activities that normal children do, which made him hate everyone. This problem relates to us because it is human nature to try and belong to a group, and it can be extremely harmful if someone feels that they don't belong anywhere.

Ender was such a great advantage to any army that if he was sent back to earth, leaders would be competing to command him. "In all the world, the name Ender is one to conjure with. The Child god, the miracle worker, with life and death in his hands. Every petty tyrant-to-be would like to have the boy, to set him in front of an army and watch the world either flock to join or cower in fear" (Col. Graff ) This quote demonstrates that if Ender was placed to fight under a tyrant, he could destroy the world and therefore he must stay in space. Ender never had control over his life and his decisions, and if he did he wouldn't even be in the army at all. In this case, power was damaging for Ender because he couldn't even visit his home as a consequence. This is relative to the human condition because when one gains too much power, one becomes tempted use it to manipulate people and as a result becomes tyrannical.

In conclusion, Ender wanted to be a moral person even though he could have easily become corrupted by his teachers and elders. Although "Ender's Game" is science fiction it is a still a story about maturing. The main reason "Ender's Game" is relative the human condition is because it is a story about growing up, and gaining freedom when one is isolated. The underlying moral of the story is not that Ender beats the buggers, but rather that he matured along the way.