Twelve Angry Men

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate May 2001

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The book Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose took place in a jury room in the county criminal court of a large Eastern city. The twelve men are given a case which has to be decided with a lot of thought and honesty. They decided if a 19-year-old boy really murdered his father, by going through all the evidence and making sure none of them have doubts about it, by the end they vote him not guilty because none of the witnesses' evidence matches up to be true but a lie. Foreman is a small, petty man who is impressed with the authority he has and handles himself quite formally. Not overly bright, but dogged. Juror Number Two is a meek, hesitant man who finds it difficult to maintain any opinions of his own. Easily swayed and usually adopts the opinion of the last person to whom he has spoken.

Juror Number Three is a very strong, very forceful, extremely opinionated man within whom can be detected a streak of sadism. A humorless man who is intolerant of opinions other than his own and accustomed to forcing his wishes and views upon others. Juror Number Four, seems to be a man of wealth and position. A practiced speaker who presents himself well at all times. Seems to feel a little bit above the rest of jurors. His only concern is with the facts in this case, and he is appalled at the behavior of the others. Juror Number Five is naive, very frightened young man who takes his obligations in this case very seriously, but who finds it difficult to speak up when his elders have the floor. Juror Number Six is honest but dull-witted man who comes upon his decisions slowly and carefully. A man who finds it difficult to create positive opinions, but who must listen to and accept those opinions offered by others which appeal to him most. Juror Number Seven is loud, flashy, glad-handed salesman type who has more important things to do than to sit on a jury. He is quick to show temper, quick to form opinions on things about which he knows noting. He is a bully and, of course, a coward. Juror Number Eight is quiet, thoughtful. Gentle man. A man who sees all sides of every question and constantly seeks the truth. A man of strength tempered with compassion. Above all, a man who wants justice to be done and will fight to see that it is. Juror Number Nine is a mild, gentle old man, long since defeated by life and now merely waiting to die. A man who recognizes himself for what he is and mourns the days when it would have been possible to be courageous without shielding himself behind his many years. Juror Number Ten is a angry, bitter man. A man who antagonizes almost at sight. A man who has been nowhere and is going nowhere and knows it deep within him. Juror Number Eleven is a refugee from Europe who had come to this country in 1941. A man who speaks with an accent and who is ashamed, humble, almost subservient to the people around him, but who will honestly seek justice because he has suffered through so much injustice. Juror Number Twelve is a slick, bright, advertising man who thinks of human beings in terms of percentages, graphs, and polls and has no real understanding of people. A superficial snob, but trying to be a good fellow. The theme of this story was "being prejudice doesn't make you a better person" because in this story they are always using prejudice remarks which got them nowhere. So at the end they realized it doesn't matter what color you are or where you live it doesn't make you a bad or better person. I really enjoyed this book. It made me want to probably become a juror or something in Law. It also made me wonder what really goes on when they a deciding not guilty or guilty. If they make a right choice or not, it's pretty scary when you think about it.