Two Wrongs DO Make a Right.

Essay by hungwyhipposUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, November 2005

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Men can be as quick witted as women can, especially when it comes down to them getting caught or in trouble. In Heptameron's seventh story, we are told that a merchant is in love with a young girl who is his neighbor. She too is totally infatuated with him as well. What the girl does not realize is she is letting him take advantage of her. "He merely pretended to be devoted to her in order to cover up a more exalted and honourable passion for someone else" (2585). Here, the merchant blatantly states that it is the other way around, and that he is lying about his love for her. The young girl's mother is astonished by this man, and forbade her daughter from seeing him. He, however, deceives her and meets with the young girl frequently. He seems to know what he is getting himself into, but soon gets close to being caught.

One day the mother finds out that the merchant is in her daughter's room and runs to catch them in the act. Although, the merchant is very quick witted, and runs to the mother, acting like she was the one he was in love with all this time. By doing this, the young girl gets away, but does not realize that he is actually deceiving her too. This story is interesting, because the merchant got into this situation by being deceptive, but also got himself out of the situation by being deceptive once again. It is as if his deception helped him recover from what he had gotten himself into. Today, we always think that two wrongs don't make a right, but in this case, two wrongs of deceiving these women seemed to make a right.