
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.

there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.there was a cow that was white and black.

it said moo.

then it got fed a lot.

it was taken to the slaughter house and killed.

the end.