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Amanda Birdsong Mrs. Tymon February 25, 2002 The Friutland Community A utopian society is very hard to come across these days. People tend to start a utopian society in order to better the life's of others. Bronson Alcott of the Fruitland Community tries to find a utopian society that will last and be productive. The Fruitland's goal is to abstain from worldly activity and integrate systems of trade and labor in order to find spirituality.

The Fruitland Community differs from the novel, Anthem more than it is similar. Bronson Alcott designed a community which would help others carry out all their philosophies. His practical needs to act on his high ideals made this community popular, but only for a short time. In the Fruitland community people are not free in all respects. This brings similarity and differences in relating Anthem stated that no individual is free. No one could express one's thoughts, ideas, or even one's feelings in Anthem.

The Fruitlanders did have individuality, but the people in Anthem felt that it was a sin to see themselves as an individual person. The Fruitland leaders "wanted to eliminate cattle from the drudgery of farm labor and spare them from the degradation of slaughter for food. However, they also meant to end the need for human contact with animals due to the fact they felt that animals were revolting to the spirit" (3). The Fruitlanders only used resources that would grow above ground; consequently, their food became scarce. They only produced enough goods for which they could use at that time. Again this practice will expand their spiritual well being.

In the society of Anthem, the community is hard working and takes pride in the tasks that is given to them. The Fruitlanders are very different, most of the people were lazy and did not want to work for their food or shelter. "Many saw the community as an opportunity to be housed and fed while sitting in apple trees writing poetry or thinking great thoughts (3). Most Fruilanders want to enjoy the aspects of the transcendental living, though it never existed. Many people eventually became unable to cope with daily life. They had nervous fits, heard imaginary voices, and suffered from an unidentified sexual disorder for which others advised marriage, but which convinced others to remain celibate. The leaders advocated a strict policy of abstinence consisting with animals substances. This allowed a simple diet, eliminating the need for trade and minimizing labor.

This Fruitland society was unsuccessful because leaders had different views on transcendental living which led to disaster. We all know that the perfect world is nonexistent through the eyes of those who live in reality. Fruitlands and Anthem are the same for that they are based on a dream in trying to find the "perfect" world. The abstinence from worldly activities brings out Fruitlander's spirituality at the same time drives them to insanity.

Works Cited Alcott, Bronson Amos. Fruitlands. http://www.alcott.net/alcott/home/fruitlands.html.

Rand, Ayn. Anthem. New York, 1995.