
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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I have spent the night in the sepulcher by the sea. Annabel Lee is my love and her dead soul is one with mine, so her death could not really take her from me. In the sepulcher I saw our kingdom by the sea. It was a beautiful house on the beach and we would always watch the sunset on the shore. At that moment, I had a very strange feeling come over me as if someone had taken you away from me. I felt the wind blow out of a cloud and I watched your highborn kinsmen bore you away from me. I then felt empty, weak, and alone. I sat there all night waiting for you to come back for me. I can still feel the tide grazing my feet as I sit there in the surf waiting for you. I can still smell the sea air and hear the oceans waves.

This night in the sepulcher by the sea has brought me great fulfillment. I will always love you and no one "can ever dissever my soul from the soul of the beautiful Annabel Lee." I have spent the night in the sepulcher by the sea. Annabel Lee is my love and her dead soul is one with mine, so her death could not really take her from me. In the sepulcher I saw our kingdom by the sea. It was a beautiful house on the beach and we would always watch the sunset on the shore. At that moment, I had a very strange feeling come over me as if someone had taken you away from me. I felt the wind blow out of a cloud and I watched your highborn kinsmen bore you away from me. I then felt empty, weak, and alone. I sat there all night waiting for you to come back for me. I can still feel the tide grazing my feet as I sit there in the surf waiting for you. I can still smell the sea air and hear the oceans waves. This night in the sepulcher by the sea has brought me great fulfillment. I will always love you and no one "can ever dissever my soul from the soul of the beautiful Annabel Lee."