
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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My Fair LadyMy Fair Lady is a musical comedy written by Bernard Shaw, which is set in England. The story is about Elisa, who spoke very bad English, with a cockney accent, but she wanted to learn how to speak better English, so she went to a phonetics' teacher, Higgins. Elisa was very poor, so she didn't have the money to pay for the lessons.

Then Higgins made a bet with Pickering, another phonetics' teacher, that he could pass Elisa of as a duchess. Then after two months they had to put her on proof. She did great. But they didn't give her any credit for her work, only for Higgins' work. So she went out of Higgins' house. But Higgins' missed her. Later Elisa returned and they stayed together.

I think the actors are very good. And Audrey Hepburn as Elisa and Rex Harrison as Higgins were perfect.

Stanley Holloway as Pickering was very good too. I learnt that you needn't speak perfectly to be a better person. I would recommend this film to people who like musical, because there's too much singing in the film.