
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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Tha Century / 100 Bars Deep Now This's Gonna Be Sticky....

I shapeshift monotonous mockeries into a metamorphisis of melodic monogamy...

Im more morbid audibly, smear your extremities with catatonic embalment fluid..

Smoke you for the toxin release! My words constrict airholes until all oxygen is ceased...

Kids is tryin to elevate they point of views by studying topography?! Ha! You god-awful emcees.... Watch true suns set across the horizon of your premises...

I shadowbox with the reflection of an extra-terrestrial nemesis, to sharpen my depth perception! Intense ressurections of mental sections, to ascend beyond eleven tenths of perfection...

I was born when the clock was confused and twelve fell into thirteen...

From dusk to dawn my embryo's vitality radiated a pulsing kinetic energy...

I disperse beams! 360 degrees of devastation, and six degrees of seperation..

Equals 60 emcees thats gon die from each gamma ray salivation...

I still see 20/20 with a cycloptic chromosome, so all mimes manipulated by psionic overtones..

Are overthrown from the underworld overture, over your vocal tone...

Undulation, running flows over oval opal stones! Spitting sinister cyclones! If your real or not, its your plot, life behind a twisted doorlock...Amongst wizardous warlocks! Wither in sweltering weather... Swelling cerebellums in cellars, swirling in pools of clorox! Potions pour from my incisors, and inject adrenalin inside words..

In sin curves and blind blurs, reminders of pioneers and rectangularly erected pine boards...

The riddle was solved whence it was exposed for its awfulness...

I dreamed of an eon long apocolypse, only to wake up and find i was revolving in it...

Once i shed my body, its residue will vaporize into cumulonimbus stormclouds...

While i study obelist physics, and calculate diabolical arithmetics...

Im sicker then cancer victims spittin up tumorous appendiges, then lighting a cigarette..

My aesthetics are acrobatic, the accepted eclectic with savage epileptic habits..

I feed your asses mass laxatives, as to extract gastric acids when the gas passes...

Flash flasks of the nastiest wrath, worse then moldy thermoses of birth water contaminate..

Splash that in your eyes and laugh as your sinus collapse, and the virus attacks rampant..

Half of yall are clowns, spiritually vacation bound..

Likely contestants for the neighborhood talent show consolation round..

I put headphones in penetentiaries the way i spit these bars..

Battle? im the head blitzkrieg czar.. I diss emcees hard, thats why bitches be sparse...

I slaughter in psychotic spasms like a vicious retard... Visually unscarred...

Everytime i kill a victim my ammunition is re-charged... Im rippin seams apart...

You couldnt find a rhythm in your weak heart.. OMNI hoe, we reach stars...

I was born with my ambillical attached to the sun, and energy has granted me a tongue..

I turn tornadoes twisting 180 degrees from their regular rotation...

Only to steal the eye from the center while inertia supplied the vacance...

Play the matador of spirits and tear the horns from the head of satan...

Rage bent, raise eyebrows of asians, my flagrant phrases are sanctioned by the United Nations..

All representatives were stuck in amazement, of how i so accurately displayed them..

Exposed the corruption which plague men, yet all of yall dont say s--- when i blaze it...

Cut faces like rusty scalpel facelifts, and parade with born again atheists..

Free of the matrix.. And the hatred, and the just straight up gay shit...

I dont even waste my time with earthlings invading my spaceship..

Im ages ahead of you, where my pages extend to view, and patience is revenue if untainted...

Blood is only thicker then water cuz its genetic make up is much more sacred...

So dont fake it, and f--- being timid...

Because all emcees, deejays, breakers, and bombers dont get respect in hiphop if they dont live it...

You the only muthafuka placin limits, the damn race is infinite...

So who gives a f--- if you last, cause your time to catch up isnt restricted...

From the cradle to the grave, back to the cradle imma say... That im an emcee.

So dont play...

You fake frontin fraudulent shady ass people in here... be real wit yose lf..

The clock watches!...

Who is the actual rap pro? and who is the actor? and who is the cast of hoes....

I see no battle flows, yet a lot of claimin 'illmatic prose'...

Static frozen on automatic audios, and omni-addict copy-flows...

Unlocking code of phonics, exposing the audibly autistic toxin epoxy-molds...

Awkwardly dawning frantic insomniatic top-speed prose...

The currents i spawn re-grow, into waves leaving the tropics cold, in frosted snow...

Wave impact creates a strain syntax, till the oxygen's blown from its bronchial zone..

Lungs consrictin, strung with sickness, inflicted from a provocative tone..

Too often, my sockets get blown.. And the guy who thought he was coppin a throne...

Gets clocked in the dome with a melodic overtone.. until all logic is overthrown...

Like sadam with a bomb faced at a planet, my raps are cocked with lethal contaminates...

My speech molds the inanimate, i manage to imagine magic patterns of english-latin adverb...

Adjusted accurately to adapt its core to match the source of immaculate force tangentless...

I ravage rampants, and rampage raves... Raging ravishingly in the rays candle-lit...(oooh) I blaze sanscript and inhale spirit from words, worlds whir wickedly from the wizardry concurred..

Instantly disturbed, im visibly blurred... Too revolutionary for revolution and loose-ends...

Youse whose crews contend with other legends and textsmith guilds are deaded...

Still primitive to the techniques unleashed by an omniscient pen.... Quicken the ending...

Inquisitive inhibitions emitted from the ditches dug by my intuition..

Are sickening silhouettes of my cerebral landscape, scrape skies as a caped villian..

*Feeling a bit more serious...* As righteous dragons magnetize towards the center of satans pagan manger..

Rising fire incinerate interfaces where the graves were..

Lively, death's ejected breath is from a species much stranger...

Orion travels on music drifts, that implant nucleic altering chant with a focus on enhancement....

Like a buddhist demonstration including cardio pulmonary paralysis, and pulpitations on top of a crucifix...

Is just hiding a pulsating demon nation, so we insure that babylons cubic skyscraper uterus estranged births detected...

As the sinister store perfected embryos quantum vitality exports orbit earth...

Theyll grow at zero gravity.....

Below the microscope of an unknowing bio-physicist who didnt know what he had stepped on...

'N - o To Tha X the pneumonik rhetorical oracle agent' was illuminated in life's breath bond.
