Vincent Van Gogh is one of history’s most famous artists.

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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Vincent Van Gogh is one of history's most famous artists. Van Gogh was one of the first artists to put his personal feelings and ideas on a canvas. The Impressionist Movement allowed him to use light and color in his own creative way. He put his emotions into his paintings. Van Gogh's paintings reflected the way he chose to live. They way Van Gogh painted was affected because he lived with the common man, Theo, Paul, and at an institution.

At the beginning of his adulthood, Van Gogh was influenced by his father to become a minister. He moved to a little coalminer's town and became the town minister. As he preached to the town, he realized that he was not getting through to his audience. He needed to become one of the common men in order to touch his worshipers. To become one of the townspeople, Van Gogh actually spent time in the coalmines and lived in a run down shack.

He started changing his beliefs and became interested in new hobbies. His family and friends did not accept Van Gogh's idea to become a common man and became concerned. Van Gogh was upset because he was not accepted and became lonely. Theo came to make sure everything was all right and discovered the horrible way Van Gogh was living. Die to his deadly conditions Theo packed Van Gogh's bags for Paris.

Van Gogh moved in with Theo and began to draw more and more. He thrived on new ideas and would draw all the time. Theo was in the art business and introduced Van Gogh to Mauve, a well-known painter. Mauve thought Van Gogh had potential and decided to provide him with supplies and support him. Van Gogh opened his mind and went crazy with his new hobby. He was a natural painter and tried to be the best. Theo gave him an allowance, which he used to buy painting supplies. Van Gogh then decided to travel and paint the landscapes of the world. Theo was understanding and supported Van Gogh in every way possible. During this time Van Gogh decided that it was time to buy a house. Theo thought Van Gogh was lonely and decided to invite Paul, a well-known painter to live with Van Gogh.

Paul came to live with Van Gogh. Van Gogh loved the company and was excited to be living with another artist. They painted together and gave each other advice about their paintings. Theo and his money supported them. They got along fine, and then slowly, they grew envious of one another. Van Gogh and Paul always bickered over little things when they had too much to drink. Over time this evolved into serious fights that tore Van Gogh up inside. He became more fierce and fast with his paintings. These fights brought out the worst sided in both of them. They were growing apart because they were too much alike. They were both greedy, mad, talented artists. The fights got so intense one night, and Van Gogh cut off one of his ears. Paul abandoned Van Gogh. Van Gogh was left with the doctors only to suffer alone.

After the cutting of his ear, Van Gogh went to an institution and was given help from a doctor. The actual location of the institution was wonderful because it gave Van Gogh many beautiful landscapes to paint. He started to paint a lot of landscapes, laborers, and other everyday living. They doctor would talk to Van Gogh frequently but these visits did not cure his confusion. One day Van Gogh painted a landscape and started going crazy with his brush. He is not satisfied with his work and gets very ill. Van Gogh eventually shot himself and died at the hospital.

Van Gogh could not find his place in life. He felt unwanted where ever he lived. He was lonely, rejected, and unstable all his life. His inability to find a place in life drove him insane. Painting was his escape from his bumpy life. He lived in places for only short periods of time. The way Van Gogh painted was affected because he lived with the common man, Theo, Paul, and at an institution. Van Gogh's paintings reflected the way he chose to live.