La Vuelta Al Mundo En 80 Dias

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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subject = english title = book report: around the world in 80 days papers = The book I read was Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne. The main characters were Phileas Fogg, and Jean Passeportout. The setting was all around the world.

The summary of the plot was simple. Mr. Phileas Fogg bet twenty thousand pounds that he could make it around the world in eighty days. Well, the whole story was about Mr. Fogg and his butler, Jean Passeportout, trying to get around the world in eighty days. They traveled around the world by every possible means, and to make things worse, the cops thought that Mr.

Fogg took some bank notes from the Bank of England. Because of this, a cop chased them around until he can get a warrant for Mr. Fogg's arrest.

I really didn't like the book. Okay, there were some good parts but most of the book was pretty boring.

It was written in old English which was hard to understand.

The book also had names that were very hard to pronounce, such as the name Passeportout.

I think the author wrote the book to say if you believe in something stick with it. I say this because Mr. Fogg believed that he could travel around the world in eighty days, and he was willing, and did bet twenty thousand pounds that he could travel around the world in eighty days. He also showed this when Mr. Fogg was about a week behind he still never gave up.