Walum Olum

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorCollege, Undergraduate November 2001

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Myths are passed down by words, through families, friends, and anybody else who wants to listen. The Walum Olum and The Time When There Were No People on the Earth Plain are very similar, they both have creatures, are written in very different ways, and are dedicated in a different way. The creatures The Walum Olum were created for happiness, however The Time When There Were No People on the Earth Plain had creatures created for uses.

Both myths have featured creatures. The Walum Olum has the creature in the form of a serpent. Most all myths have main creatures. The Time When There Were No People on the Earth Plain has a raven. The raven plays the role as a god and main character in the story. This shows similarities between the two myths even though they are written in two totally different ways.

The Walum Olum is written with very few details and was probably propagated by word of mouth.

This is why it was written with only a few sentences and pictographs. In comparison, The Time When There Were No People on the Earth Plain is written with numerous details and feelings. It describes actions the characters take and how the characters act towards things happening in the myth. Both of the myths have the same structure. The only difference is one has more details than the other.

In The Walum Olum, creatures are created for happiness. They are created to make the people of the village enjoy life. They live off the enjoyment of life and each other. This is different from The Time When There Were No People on the Earth Plain where the animals are created for man's uses rather than happiness. The raven makes reindeer for man so they could be killed and eaten as food. Myths also explain natural occurrences in life. For example, the raven explained why deer have white bellies. Many things show why wind, water, land and different animals have certain significances.

Both myths are very interesting and have lots of meaning to them. The Walum Olum and The Time When There Were No People on the Earth Plain are very similar, yet different at the same time as was shown above. They all serve the same purpose of explaining basic history and how people lived.