War 2

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade November 2001

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During World War 2 there was a man named Dwight David Eisenhower. In 1945 Eisenhower was made general of the Allied Expeditionary Force. He led an assault on the French coast at Normandy on June 9, 1944. In May 8, 1945 he helped defeat Nazi Germany. In 1950, president Harry Truman appointed Eisenhower the supreme commander of Nato In 1952, as a republican, Eisenhower ran for president. Eisenhower was running against Adliai E. Stevenson. When election time Eisenhower was elected president. Eisenhower was the first republican to be president since 1928. During his term Eisenhower kept a moderate approach to domestic policy. He really didn't want to make government bigger, but actually smaller.

When he became president he didn't want to continue going on offense in the Korean War, but to end it. He told the Chinese that if they didn't sign an armistice he would pretty much nuke them.

So in July 1953 the Chinese signed the armistice.

When the French were forced to surrender to the Vietnamese, Eisenhower established a puppet government in the Vietnamese southern city, Saigon. Which later brought us into the Vietnam War.

In 1957 Eisenhower was reelected for a second term. On October 4, 1957, the soviets launched a satellite into space called Sputnik. As a result and fear of being bombed by the soviets, Eisenhower gave billions of dollars to a space program called NASA. Also gave money to schools so children more education about science. NASA got off to a fast start because on January 31, 1958, NASA leached Explorer 1 into orbit around the earth.

When Stalin died his successor ended up being Nikita Khrushchev. Nikita wanted to exchange visits with Eisenhower. Nikita came to the U.S. in September 1959. In 1960 the soviets shot down one of the Americans u2 spy planes. Nikita wanted an apology, but when Eisenhower never gave one Nikita withdrew his indentation to Eisenhower to visit the Soviet Union.

Eisenhower was the first president whose term was limited by constitution. So that left Eisenhower to retire. But when Eisenhower left office in 1961 he left the government with a surplus of 300 million dollars