Western Civilization

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Western Civilization While sitting in class the other day, at the time we were discussing all the different opinionated, but factual, definitions of the word civilization. Listening intently, I thought of what I would see civilization as and how I would relate it to the Egyptians. In early Egypt, I thought of what growth and improvement was shown and how structured the Egyptians were at that time and era. How they managed to figure out so much with so little help back then? Even today still,we are trying hard to figure out how they managed to even build the pyramids. So, it is easy to say that the Egyptians not only demonstrated a form of civilization, but more so they carried a more advanced form of civilization that we have ever encountered.

I asked myself how exactly they had demonstrated that form of civilization. In my mind, the Nile River was the root of their civilization.

It helped them quicken trade, enabled communication, gave them protection, served as a religious purpose, not to mention it gave them transportation. The Nile also had an annual flooding which served as a food supply for the ground creating rich soil. Rich enough to help the Egyptians with their surplus amounts of food harvests. With the Niles annual flooding, the Egyptians soon began to predict when exactly the flood was going to come and harvest when the soil moistened. The technology that the Nile brought to the Egyptians opened up new ideas for new improvements. That was the start of their ancient civilization.

Egypt came up with a tradition where gods and a pharaoh should rule the country. They created their first dynasty under a king called Menes also. Having done this, they then realized that needed control and order in their time of progress. They needed a higher source or higher power to help organize their ideal future. The pharaoh kept order and peace throughout the kingdom. Structure on their society also was forming. They based organization among them putting God and the Pharoah at the top. Then from there nobles were put underneath them and down Soon after the organization of their society was put into place, they then formed a structural based. In their culture, they made gods up for the answers to questions that couldn't be answered then. Very natural gods that pertained to very natural causes only helped them to understand why things happened. Osris, the God of the Dead, played a big part in the Egyptians culture. Osris supposedly was to give hope to gain a new life after death. After you died you would then change into Osris (the god of death). But at that time they had nowhere really to place these mummies while the transformation was taking place.

The pyramids were built for this main reason. The Egyptians believed mainly that there were two bodies. One body being physical and the other one spiritual. And believed that only when you were finished properly preserving the dead body, only then could its spiritual body return and continue its life.

Hieroglyphics came not long after the pyramids. This was also another step taken by the Egyptians to help their sense of civilization. These drawing were supposed to help the visual journey of the deceased to the under world. It then After became a form of writing used for communication purposes.

Many things were refined and developed after the Nile River. The things that helped organize the Egyptians development of culture, technology, religion, and even urban development, were the things that made their civilization happen. But to how they thought of all that they did was remarkably astonishing. After that discussion of Egyptian Civilization I thought that we would not be where we were today if it hadn't been for any type of civilization. I give the Egyptians full credit for guiding us into the right direction with all that they had accomplished.