Why I Chose Yale

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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Since I was six years old, I dreamt of being a cardiovascular surgeon. Although my original interest was simply to "help people", I wasn't satisfied by the idea of being a family physician. By nature, I prefer situations that are challenging and dynamic, where no day is ever the same as the one before. After surviving extreme losses and victories, followed by unexpected twists and turns, I discovered that I thrive in fast-paced environments that require me to think on my feet. While others seek security, I willingly accept difficult assignments that require a high tolerance for risk. Armed with a competitive spirit and an inquisitive mind, I yearn to challenge my myself on every possible level. A cardiovascular surgeon, by nature, must integrate all of these skills to accomplish the ultimate goal: saving a patient's life.

The college of Arts and Sciences at Yale will bring me a step closer in fulfilling this lifelong dream.

The Hughes Scholars Program and the Honors Program offered by the Biological Sciences department will provide excellent preparation for the rigors of medical school. In many ways, I have been preparing for Yale my entire life. I have taken the most demanding classes at my high school, along with two courses per semester at Rutgers University. With its renowned faculty and talented student body, Yale offers solid pre-medical training in an environment of scientific excellence. I am ready for the challenge!