Why is it important to understand the new attitudes about US foreign policy at the turn of the twentieth century?

Essay by LoUdMoUtH87High School, 11th gradeB+, March 2007

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Why is it important to understand the new attitudes about US foreign policy at the turn of the twentieth century?It is important to understand the new attitudes about US foreign policy at the turn of the twentieth century because those attitudes still affect foreign policy today. The US has the self-proclaimed best government in the world. Democracy is better than Communism; Democracy is better than Fascism; Democracy is better than Monarchy; Democracy is better than Plutocracy; Democracy is better than a Republic; Democracy is better than everything. Most Americans hold these beliefs true today, just as they did at the turn of the twentieth century. We still carry "The White Man's Burden". Just as Americans in the early 1900's saw that they were supposed to 'civilize' the barbarians of these foreign lands and teach them American ways, in the 21st century Americans believe that they need to teach these foreigners that Democracy is the best form of government and that they should adopt it.

President Bush has even come out and said that he "hopes to be friends one day with a Democratic Iran." This is a prime example that we are trying to 'take over' Iran's Republic government and establish a democratic one. Therefore, it is important to understand the attitudes about US foreign policy at the turn of the twentieth century because many of them still affect foreign policy today.

BibliographyQuote - President BushFacts - wikipedia.orgThe rest is mainly opinion since the question is a relatively opinion-based topic.