Why i want to attend northeast

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorCollege, Undergraduate February 2008

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I feel asleep the night before my essay to Northeastern University was due and I dreamt I found a book on my future.

I was scared to read it because what if I hadn't been accepted? How sad I'd be. I would miss out on being in the best city in the country. I'd miss out on the top college for my interests - Marketing and Communications. What other school has the amazing Co-op program I dreamed of.

Open it! Open it! I guess my curiousity peaked. I opened the book and I was accepted. There I was in my dorm room with my roommate, happy and content. My dream came true and I was going to Northeastern.

What attracted me to apply to this college was the Co-op program. I enjoy working and the idea of working at the job of my major is a plus. I have asked several soon to be graduates what they plan to do when they graduate? The response is "I don't know".

Going to Northeastern will help me avoid the "I don't know".

Boston is an amazing city. I have visted several times and I felt like I was home. The city has culture, a music scene and recreation. Of course Fenway Park close by will allow me to see the Yankee's when they are in town. What a plus! I was worried about finding a school that had both my majors - Marketing and Communications. I am undecided which I will choose. Knowing that there are faculty advisors there to help me mold my future is very encouraging.

Opening that book has changed my life. I am sure now that my decision to apply to Northeastern is the best one I will make.