Why your school is right for me

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Master's February 2008

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After surviving the fiscal collapse in Hong Kong, I decided to study economics at the Northwestern University to prepare for a career at the IMF or World Bank. For the past several years, I have embraced every opportunity to learn about economics. Last summer, I visited Washington, DC as part of the Congressional Youth Council's Global Leadership Conference. I attended several lectures at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) center that discussed the emergency funding in Korea, Thailand and Indonesia. I acknowledged the need (and opportunity) for someone like me to work at the IMF as an advocate for change.

Northwestern's exceptional program in economics is an ideal fit for my background and skills. With relevant courses in finance and management, I will be prepared to meet the complex challenges of a global economy. Located near the financial district in downtown Chicago, your program offers an unparalled opportunity to network among people who influence world markets.

Northwestern faculty members don't just teach mathematical models; they originate them. I am eager to participate in a community of international students who are committed to learning from each another. Beyond my coursework, I hope to form many long-lasting friendships and business relationships.