Wite an intrpretation of a song: "Passion of love"

Essay by keith124University, Bachelor'sA, September 2006

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Praise of love in "All My Life"

K-Ci and Jojo song "All My Life" is interpreted as a religious man in love with a woman, who he has been seeking all his life. The feeling he expresses in the song comes across as being thankful for finding a love like hers, and how he brings love, religion, and family into his feeling for one person.

The expression his voice appears to have a strong Christian background, and he uses the verse "I prayed for someone like you and I thank God" (lines 17-18). The explanation of prayer and God are used in several verses; this shows his faith in religion. The song also expresses that of a family man with high values, in what the word family means to me is having found someone you can spend the rest of your life with as well as having close members of the family who share the same values:

Girl you are

Close to me just like my Mother.

Close to me just like my Father.

Close to me just like my Sister.

Close to me j just like my Brother. (9-13)

A comparison in the song for the love he has for the woman, to the love of his family.

The artist makes the individual come across as loyal, religious person. In addition, he makes the individual so in love, that he would never deceive or hurt the one he loved in stating: "Said I promise to never Fall in Love with a Stranger" (25). This also shows his devotion of how much he thinks of her on a day-to-day basis. It appeared to me that for some time he was alone, but had not yet found that person he considered true love, not the way he expresses his love for the individual in the song. As though his religion, and faith played a part in finding his loved one. He continually expresses his gratitude to God in the song: "I Prayed for someone like you, / And I Thank God, / I Praise the Lord above" (17-18, 27).

Towards the end of the song, he begins to explain how she changed his life. States that she always brings a smile to his face and when he is in need of guidance on bad day she will be there, "You pick me up when I was down" (42). The individual in the song hopes that the feelings are in turn, felt about him by his love. He makes a statement "I hope you feel the same way too, / I pray that you do love me too" (36-37).

In conclusion, the song to me shows that he is passionately in love with the individual he talks about however, the voice of the song is left with a feeling of uncertainty if she feels the same way. At the end, the question will be does she love him the way he loves her or will she not feel the same way.

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