Woman in the Mongolian Society         The Status of woman in

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 11th grade February 2008

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Woman in the Mongolian Society The Status of woman in the Mongolian society seemed as if they were just there. The men would use the woman for what they needed. They were given the more difficult jobs or the jobs, which the men didn't want to have, or thought the woman could not do.

The woman in the Mongolian society had to do the harder work. For example, the woman had to " sew shoes and socks and other garments." (Overfield 430). While the men, would have to make bow and arrows and saddles. The sewing takes much more tedious work. The woman would have to " drive the carts, to load the houses onto them and to unload them" (Overfield) which may be easier then building the houses and carts, but the woman weren't given the opportunity to attempt to build the carts or houses. The men believed it was the women's job to drive the carts.

Both would look over the sheep and goats and both would milk them. So even though the men did some things that were harder like build the houses, the woman were thought to be a level lower and that is why they would have to drive the carts that the men built.

In the marriages, the women in the Mongolian society were definitely not given many rights or options. The view in the society was that "no one has a wife unless he buys her…" (Overfield 430). The wealthy men obviously benefited from this idea, as some of them would buy as many women as twenty over the course of their life. Some women are "quite grown up before they marry, for their parents always keep them until they sell them." (Overfield 430). The idea, which is most interesting in their society is that, the women believe "that all those who serve them in this like will serve them in the next, and so of a widow they believe that she will always return after death to her first husband" (Overfield).

Women were obviously not treated very well. They were used by the men more as mistresses and when it came to work, it seemed they were given the lower collar jobs, which the men didn't want to do. Some of the wives may be brought in by a father's son and serve both men but "he does not consider an injury has been done to him if they return to his father after death" (Overfield 40).