Write an essay on how your efforts to please someone ended in failure!

Essay by Brooke137High School, 10th gradeA, December 2008

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Usually our intention is to commit an action that pleases others, however sometimes our timing or thoughts makes the aim unachieved, and our endless efforts end in failure. One such incident happened with me as well, when all my efforts to please my dearest aunt ended in failure.

I had this aunt who was very close to my heart, and she used to buy me pretty toys and read me bedtime stories when I went to Dubai. When I heard that she was coming to Pakistan to meet us I had gone crazy with excitement and started making preparations. As the day came near there was an aura of happiness around me and I had made my perfect plan to amuse.

Being just ten I always wanted to act like a prim and proper girl who would delight her loved ones. So, the moment my parents left I called my nanny and elder sister and guided them to do things, the way I had planned. My nanny was a great seamstress and so she made me this, beautifully designed table cover which I placed on the table. I had cut heart shaped table mats from foam and placed all eight on the table. Then I took out eight plates, forks, knives, and spoons from the cabinet and placed them in such a way that they formed a triangle on the plate.

Two hours before my parents left, I made my sister call the Pizza delivery guy and the moment the Pizzas came, I piled them on the centre of the dining table with eight cans of coke surrounding them like an octagon. I had spent all my pocket money on this lavish dinner and I was so excited that I had finally succeeded in decorating the table. Although I was a bit nervous, as my parents had no idea about it, but at the same time, I had this feeling of victory and contentment, until everything turned topsy-turvy and knocked down my moment of happiness.

Just one call and my whole plan got destroyed. My mother called my sister and told her that my aunt was already invited to some other place for dinner, so she wouldn't dine with us. I was completely shocked and blown away. I started crying and then my sister told my whole "Preparation" story to my mother, who came home quickly and comforted and calmed me, till I stopped crying and wiped off my tears. I felt so sad, but as I was helpless I had no other choice so I sat with my family and enjoyed the pizza and drink with a heavy heart.

Although I got back my pocket money, I still felt melancholy about not having achieved my goal, and about my endless efforts ending in failure.