Wuthering Heights

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade September 2001

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In the Book Wuthering Heights the characters of Cathy, Linton, and Hareton are victimized by Heathcliff. This essay will analyze and contrast; the forms of punishment, and Heathcliff's attitude toward each of the three.

Heathcliff's revenge on Hindley, through Hareton is one of an ironic nature. The concept of "what goes around comes around" plays key in Heathcliff's revenge. Hareton had somewhat of a hard life it seems -- his father a drunk and his mother died at his birth. In truth he never knew his father, or his mother. When Heathcliff moves to the Heights he makes sure that Hareton grows to despise his father, and thus he gains his revenge on Hindley by stealing his sons love from him. Heathcliff then steals the Heights under Hindley's nose -- now Heathcliff has stolen his son and his home, however Heathcliff is not through yet. He wants Hareton to suffer the same way that he suffered.

He makes sure that Hareton grows up uneducated, ignorant, and naive. However harsh Heathcliff's attitude towards Hareton, he is slightly fond of the boy, and shows is from time to time in subtle ways. Hareton reminds him of himself long ago, he also sees much of Catherine inside the him. Despite the degradation, Hareton is forced to go through, he still maintains the utmost respect for Heathcliff. He sees him as a father figure, and excepts no slander against Heathcliff in his own presence. Unlike the other two, despite all the ill-will Heathcliff has put on Hareton, Hareton was always willing to help Heathcliff, and never held grudges.

Heathcliff hates Linton with all the power of his heart. Compared to Hareton, his hate for Linton doesn't compare. Linton is his "property" and his "pulling chicken" and only plans to use him in his revenge against Edgar. Throughout his time with Heathcliff, he receives no love from his father. Despite the fact that Heathcliff is his father. Heathcliff seems to transcend to a new form of evil. He no longer cares who he has to step on, whether it be his own kin, or a stranger. Regarding looks, Linton is the split image of his uncle Edgar, this is perhaps the greatest reason for Heathcliff detest of his son. His abusive nature toward Linton is greater than the abuse he takes out on the others, because his cowardly and sick nature disgusts Heathcliff. Heathcliff almost does all but say that he is hates his son to his face. He finally manipulates Linton by changing his will while on his deathbed, so that he would inherit all of his, and Cathy's property.

Cathy Earnshaw, unlike the other two did not truly ever experience the pain that Heathcliff displays on the other two. Although Heathcliff does indeed victimize her, her punishment can be regarded as not as severe, as she does not suffer physical abuse, or any true verbal abuse, rather only mental anguish -- memories she must live with. She is deceived by Linton and Heathcliff to go into the Heights and is held a prisoner inside. Heathcliff true feelings towards her are unclear, because it is difficult to determine how he feels because he is willing to step on anyone for his revenge. Cathy and Linton were both educated; contrary to Hareton. Heathcliff manipulated her in uncountable ways. He keeps her prisoner at the Heights, spared her no servants, forces her to marry Linton, keeps her away from her father, separates her from Nelly, and forces her to make residence at the Heights to repay him for the "services" he bids her while she was there. As a final revenge he takes hold of the property on the Grange.

In conclusion, this third generation at the Heights all experienced great victimization by Heathcliff. His plans for Cathy, Hareton and Linton were all necessary to complete his perfect revenge. Although he manipulates all three of the children, one can reach the conclusion that the only one he truly hated was Linton. Linton was a constant reminder of Edgar -- the man who stole his love Catherine for him. His feelings toward Hareton and Cathy are unclear, but by the end of the chapter you can definitely decided that he wishes them no ill will toward and does not wish to continue his revenge. Perhaps, this indicates his true feelings for the two, now that he is no longer blinded by his lust for revenge. Ironically Hareton in the end is the only one to mourn for Heathcliff -- this is perhaps another of Heathcliff's great revenge schemes against his enemy Hindley. Even after death he is able to thwart Hindley by stealing the love of his son. Hareton although he does not know it, plays the last part of Heathcliff's revenge.