Wuthering Heights Character Analisis

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 10th grade February 2008

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Getting revenge is not the most important thing in life is portrayed in the novel. In Emily Bronte?s classic novel ?Wuthering Heights?, Heathcliff is shown this in a series of events that ruin the lives of those around him. His main goal is to exact his revenge that has been planned ever since he ran away for three years and got some what wealthy. This vengeful, cruel, and a dynamic main character, in the progress of beginning his prolonged revenge, ruins his life as well as the people?s around him.

Heathcliff is seen as a vengeful character that is misunderstood by many people. As when Heathcliff was brought into the family early in the novel and several days later was seen by Nelly as ??a sullen, patient child?he would stand Hindley?s blows without winking?? (33). It is seen that Hindley did not like Heathcliff from the beginning because that his violin from his dad that was supposed to be brought back from his trip to Liverpool was smashed.

This happened because Mr. Earnshaw brought back Heathcliff. When they had grown up a little more, Hindley was increasingly mean and did not care for Heathcliff any more than he did when he was first brought to Wuthering Heights. ?Hindley threw it [iron weight]?and would have gone just so to the master, and got full revenge?? shows that this later shows up when there is a disagreement on whether Heathcliff should get Hindley?s horse because his had gone lame (35). These are the attributes that show Heathcliff as a vengeful person.

Heathcliff is also a very cruel character in this novel. There are several examples that he is cruel. He hung a puppy because he did not like the owner. He often hit Cathy because she was not acting the way he wanted her to. Does this classify him as a cruel character or is there some hidden reason for this cruelty? One statement by Mrs. Dean, ?? He has a son, it seems??? inquired Mr. Lockwood. The reply ??Yes?he is dead?? was then heard in response (29). This could be a reason that Heathcliff is acting so cruel to everyone and hating him or her for not acting ?perfect?. He was grieving over his son being dead. He was also subject of Hindley?s torture when he first started his life at the Heights. This was the only way he knew how to act. This cruelness came from his actions, but no one ever thought of his distress over his deceased son and the treatment given him by Hindley.

A final character trait is that he was an extremely dynamic character in this novel; more so than any other character. He started his life as being pampered and loved, but soon he was the beaten, mistreated character because Hindley came to power. He later became the person in power of Wuthering Heights and exerted his power over everyone around, especially Nelly, as in this quote ??you shall not leave Wuthering Heights until to-marrow morning.?(140). He used this show of power as a release on his anger at what Nelly had told him. He could not believe that Catherine did not want to see him. At the end of his sad life, he was sitting at the table eating with Hareton and Cathy when he was told of what they had done to the garden. ?He seemed ready to tear Catherine in pieces?when, of a sudden, his fingers relaxed?and he gazed intently into her face.?(293). He was about to strike Cathy but he caught a glimpse of Catherine in her and saw that his revenge was not keeping his pain away as he once thought it did. He then just wanted to be with Catherine as always. The only thing keeping him alive was the revenge he had planned out. Clearly, Heathcliff was a dynamic character.

In conclusion, no one was benefited by his revenge, not even himself. Everyone was hurt by his revenge that, in the end, did not help his pain. He saw this and knew he could die in peace with himself. As revenge is the most natural feeling, it is the most used. That could be avoided altogether and both sides would benefit from man using, not his instincts, but rather thinking before acting and would make the world a better place.