You F'n Cheaters

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 11th grade November 2001

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All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.

All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.

All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.

All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.

All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.All of you must die. Right now you cheating bollocks. Vengeance in the form of red-hot irons up your anus.