The Selfish Gene (1989 edition)

By Richard Dawkins

Further Reading

Axelrod, R. The evolution of Cooperation (1984)

Axelrod, R. and Hamilton, D. "The Evolution of cooperation" in Science, 211 p1390-1396 (1981)

Dawkins, M.S., Unravelling Animal Behaviour (1986)

Grafen, A "Do animals really recognise kin?" in Animal Behaviour 39 p 42-54. (1990)

Hamilton, W.D., "Geometry for the selfish herd" in Journal of Theoretical Biology 31, p295-311 (1971)

Krebs, J.R. and Davies, N.B., Behavioural Ecology: An Evolutionary Approach

Krebs, J.R. and Davies, N.B. An introduction to behavioural ecology (1993, 3rd edition)

Trivers, R.L. Social Evolution (1985)

Trivers, R.L. "The evolution of reciprocal altruism" in Quarterly Review of Biology 46, p 35 - 57, (1971)

Waldman, B. Frumhoff, P.C. and Sherman, P.W., "Problems of Kin Recognition" in Trends in ecology and evolution. 3, p8-13 (1988)