1. What is a Lunar Eclipse and when does it

Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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1. What is a Lunar Eclipse and when does it take place? A lunar eclipse happens when the moon enters the earth's shadow -when the earth is between the sun and the moon -on full moon days 2. The Solar System consists of how many planets? 9 and the sun Name them....

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto Mercury, Venus, earth, mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto 3. How long can a lunar Eclipse last up to? Up to 4 hrs.

4. What is the closest planet to the sun? Mercury 5. Which planet is the most massive one? Jupiter 6. What are terestial planets? Planets that are earthlike, made up of rock 7. What are Jovial planets? Planets that are like Jupiter, mostly gas 8. What is the Nebular theory? The origin of the sun system 9.

What theory is the most accepted about the formation of the moon? The large impact theory 10. How old is the solar system? 4.6 billion years old 11. Does Mercury have an atmosphere? No, it is closest to the sun, it has extreme temperatures on either side 12. Does Venus have an atmosphere? Yes, an atmosphere of co2, the pressure is 90 x the earth's atmospheric pressure 13. Name some facts about Mars -Mars has a co2 atmosphere like Venus -it has very low pressure about 1% of earth's atmospheric pressure -water flow channels are visible -it has 2 moons Phoebos and Deimos 14. Name some facts about Jupiter -the largest planet -has at least 16 moons -has a Great Red Spot -atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium 15. Saturn -has brilliant colored rings -always has strong winds -at least 21 moons 16. Uranus -Rotates on one side 17. Pluto -farthest from the sun -the temp. is 210 K/hr 18. What are asteroids? -millions of bodies of all sizes between Mars and Jupiter 19. What are comets? Give an example of a comet.

-bodies going through the solar system occasionally -Haley's comet, once in 76 yrs.

20. Meteroids are.....

-solid bodies occasionally entering the earth's solar system 21. Meteors are.....

-a flash event produced when meteroids get burned by atmospheric friction 22. Meteorites are.....

-solid bodies falling on earth as a result of meteors.