Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 12th grade September 2001

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1984 By George Orwell George Orwell's 1984 is a frightening example of a totalitarian government. The government does not only control the present and future of its citizens, it can also control the past. Many times the Party, the name of the government, changes the past to suit their needs. A leader runs the Party by the name of Big Brother. The citizens of this government are constantly being watched by telescreens, which are placed in every room of every building, no one can escape them. The main purpose for the telescreens is to make sure there are no thought crimes, which would be any thought against the Party of Big Brother.

The main character of this book is Winston Smith. Winston works for the Party at the Ministry of Truth, which deals with changing the past to agree with the Party. Winston himself is secretly against the Party and hates Big Brother.

His thoughts are kept in a diary, which is considered a serious thought crime. He knew he would eventually be caught by the Thought Police and would be vaporized, which means removed from existence, having never to have existed.

Winston would eventually meet a girl named Julia. From his first thoughts, he hated her, he thought she stood for everything that the Party was and was pure and innocent. He soon found that she was corrupted and was against the Party just as he was. They secretly fell in love, which was also considered a serious crime. The Party discouraged sex, and party members such as Winston were not allowed to marry anyone that they were physically attracted too. Winston and Julia had to always meet in secret, finding places with large crowds to avoid being seen by the telescreens or places that they thought did...