Aboriginal History: Reconciliation.

Essay by Brad2Junior High, 9th grade August 2005

download word file, 2 pages 5.0

Since European settlement, Aboriginal History has been a spiral of mistreatment and death. I believe that the Australian Government should say "sorry". This would cause a recognition of past injustices. The reasons that I believe the Australian Government should say "sorry" is because of:

1. Reserves.

2. Missions.

3. Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths.

In 1883, the Aborigines Protection Board was set up in New South Wales. It's purpose was to 'smooth the pillow of the dying race' and thus hasten the extinction of the Aboriginal people. Two of the methods used were Missions and Reserves.

A Reserve was an area of land set aside for Aboriginal people to live under the control of the Europeans. It was like a refugee camp. The Aboriginals even had to ask permission to leave the boundaries of the camp.

On the reserves they were given basic housing and just enough food to survive.

Many were also shipped off to foreign territories, often to share accommodation with Aboriginal tribes who were traditionally their enemies, or whom they could barely communicate with as a result of language barriers. Distance from their land, and coexistence with incompatible groups caused a large breakdown in Aboriginal society as kin relationships, marriage rules and cultural practices were distrupted. In many cases, particularly on Christian-run missions, Aboriginal people were given European names and were not allowed to speak their own language or practice their own ceremonies as these were considered heathen. This is a reason for the Australian Government to say "sorry" because:

1. This was a deliberate attempt at cultural genocide.

2. This deliberate attempt at cultural genocide was intended to break Aboriginal spirit and contribute to their 'inevitable' extinction.

In the late 20th century, Australia's indigenous peoples were:

* 29 times more likely to be put in jail...