Abortion- prochoice containing the other options to abortions.

Essay by yitmwaUniversity, Bachelor'sA+, November 2003

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What about abortion?

What do you think about abortion? Most people try not to think about it. They wish to avoid the overwhelming horrible reality. Abortion is an intentional violent act that kills an unborn baby. Without any anesthesia, the baby is dismembered, torn apart, and vacuumed out of the mother. In the case of a near-term or partial-birth abortion, the baby is turned around and pulled partially out with its head still inside the mother. The abortionist then plunges a sharp object into the back of its neck and vacuums out the brain. This is not a pleasant subject. It hurts to just imagine the horror. However, we must think about it in order to gather the courage needed to end it.

Many people have become apathetic about abortion. Since they have already been born, abortion is no threat to them personally. Why should they care about someone else's baby? If there is any lesson to be learned from September 11, 2001, it is that we should value and protect innocent human life even if it is not our own.

This lack of value was the direct cause of the terrorist acts. Think about it. The terrorists and those who directed them had no value for the lives of the flight attendants whose throats were slashed or the innocent secretaries who frantically tried to leave those buildings. This same lack of value for innocent human life is the direct cause of legalized abortion.

If you are still unconvinced about the horror of legalized abortion, at the next opportunity pick up a little baby, hold it in your arms, gaze into its eyes and you will know the truth. All the pro-choice pro-abortion rhetoric that you have ever heard will melt away. Another truth is that it just is...