Absolute Truth

Essay by guitar_creationsHigh School, 12th gradeA-, December 2006

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Question: Is Truth relative or absolute?


* Truth: An expression or statement that matches or corresponds to its object or reference. Truth must correspond to reality in order to be true.

* Relative: Different depending on the person or perspective.

* Absolute: Unchanging; constant.

Axiom: Only one counter-example is sufficient to disprove a well established hypothesis or theory.

View Taken:

According to the axiom stated above, it only takes one counter to disprove a hypothesis or theory. The theory in this case is of "relative truth." However, I am about to note several counter-examples. This, according to the axiom, proves that the theory of "relative truth" is in no way correct. Rather, it is false. Since truth isn't relative, then it must be absolute.

Weaknesses in Relativity:

* Relativity is self-defeating. Relativists believe that "truth is relative for everyone in all cases." Because they believe it's true for everyone, they are believing in an "absolute truth."

If this wasn't an absolute statement, then this "truth" would be false. Essentially, they are saying "all truths except 'truth is relative' are relative." With this said, then "truth is relative" is not true after all, but is false.

* If two people believe opposites to be the truth, according to relative truth, they are both right. This is obviously impossible. If someone says "Australia doesn't exist," And another says, "Australia Exists," they cannot both be right. However relativity states they are!

* Relative truth says that truth is different for each person, therefore no one is ever wrong if they believe what they're saying/doing is the truth. Hitler truly believed in what he was doing. It was the Truth in his view. He was doing the right thing. According to the principals of relative truth, he is right! He did nothing...