Accepting Homosexual Marriage COMM215

Essay by lucinicCollege, UndergraduateA, February 2007

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Legalization of homosexual marriages has been a controversial topic, not only in the U.S. but in many countries today. Marriage is the highest expression of love; the government should not be allowed to decide who can and cannot marry. Whether the law's definition of marriage changes or not, society should take in consideration that someday the law will change to better the rights for people. Not giving homosexuals the right to legally marry should be considered another kind of discrimination. Same-sex couples should not be excluded from the legal right to marry because they signify the same love and commitment as a heterosexual couple.

The institution of homosexual marriages has its roots in the history of the world; therefore, there is no reason why these marriages should not be legal today. According to Yale professor John Boswell (1994),

A homosexual marriage was legal and religiously recognized for over 3000 years in ancient African, Asian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman culture.

The Catholic Church considered legitimate the same-gender unions until the 13th century when they were denied. The Catholic Church considered as legitimate same-gender unions for over than 1500 years. At that time, they had over 100 liturgies [ceremonies] special for the same-gender marriages. (p. 254)

In the same book, Boswell explains historical context of homosexual marriages. He presented the fact that "13 couples were married at St. Lateran church (the Pope's church) in Rome in 1578" (Boswell, p. 372). Today's church should not ignore these facts.

There are limitations when it comes to marriage but there is also the freedom to do what one pleases. Laws of many states do not allow marriage between relatives and there is an age limit on who can get married without the consent of an adult. But husbands can beat their wives and get convicted...