
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorUniversity, Bachelor's February 2008

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Before we mature to adults, we have all been through a strenuous and traumatic period of adolescence. Adolescence starts in puberty and ends in adulthood. It is a period of shocking physical and psychological evolution that is usually filled with numerous conflicts and problems. In order to minimize tensions, we need to understand the source of the problem. We need to understand how adolescents make their decisions, their emotions, and the factors affecting their thoughts. One of the biggest concerns for adolescents is about establishing a high self-esteem.

For adolescents, self-esteem is of very great importance and provides a psychological advantage to those not lacking it. According to the attachment theory in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence, self-esteem is affected since toddler hood. For instance, a child that is given sufficient attention and sensitivity will deem himself or herself as a person of importance. However, a child that lacks care and attention will suppose that they are worthless and undeserving.

These negative or positive constructs of self image will be carried throughout the lifespan of the child. Therefore, when adolescents greatly lack confidence and self-esteem, we have to examine how they were treated as a child by their parents and friends. A strong direct relationship with parental figures is closely related to self-esteem. Adolescents with secure attachments to parents had higher levels of self-esteem than those having insecure attachments. This states to us that if we want to help raise their self-esteems, then it will not take a short period of time to achieve success, if any at all, for they may have been neglected and feeling undesirable their whole lives. Parents who allow openness and are receptive of new ideas can have a positive effect on their child's self-esteem. Parents should be authoritative and not authoritarians. Do not...