Advantages and Disadvantages of the British and French at the beginning of the French and Indian War.

Essay by NoTTiNzZz September 2005

download word file, 1 pages 0.0

The French colonies were situated in Canada and their trade and

influence reached as far as the Mississippi River. The English

colonies were located on the east coast of the Americas. The

Appalachian Mountains separated both types of European colonies so

there was elbow room for both. Flames began to ignite when war between

the mother countries of England and France broke out. Tensions

increased when trading and rivalry between two colonies increased.

Soon war broke out and it became known as the French and Indian War.

Both sides had advantages and disadvantages and there were many

lasting effects.

The British colonies began to lose in the beginning for many reasons.

The colonies were disorganized and many jealousies and disputes arose

among them. In addition the colonies' governors quarreled with their

assemblies. The colonies saw themselves, at the time, as trading

economic colonies, not an empire or nation. There was no need or want

for a military and military organization.

The British colonies were

unfit to carry out an offensive war. Victory was meek for the colonies

but courageous, fearless and heroic generals like Pitt, Amherst, and

Wolf helped turn the tide for the British. In addition they began to

attack cities instead of forts. The British colonies soon won the war

with the Treaty of Paris.

The French were incredible and favored victors at the beginning of

the war in the Americas. They had a centralized military organization,

skillful leaders who ruled with absolute authority, and soldiers

inured to war. Of 10 major battles, France won a majority of them.

Their location was good. Canada was fortified with vast outworks of

defense in the forests, marshes and mountains. They had the help of

the Indians who knew the land far better than any European. In

Europe, the tide...