Affects of Spanish on Business and Education in the United States

Essay by mikala0106College, UndergraduateA, July 2009

download word file, 6 pages 1.0

Has there ever been a time when walking down the street or in the grocery store when a conversation in a language was overheard but not understood? They were probably speaking Spanish. Even though English is the official language of America, Spanish is the second most spoken and read language in our country. The signs are very obvious, from the aisles of the grocery stores to the automated teller machines, that the Spanish Language is everywhere. The focus here is how education and business demands have changed and are prospering because of this language. We overhear conversations in Spanish and wonder what they are saying. McDonald's is even running commercials during the NBA All Star weekend in Phoenix Arizona with a Spanish theme. The Hispanic students in the school systems need extra help and time with assignments. With that in mind, there is the thoughts of learn or be left behind mentality forming in this country.

There is a need to know this language in order to thrive in the massive melting pot we call America. The growth and increased need to know Spanish is a vital part of today's educational and business development.

According to Paneque (2008), "the Hispanic population is projected to nearly triple, from 46.7 million to 132.8 million, during the 2008-250 period." This would mean that almost one out of every three occupants of this country would be Hispanic. "In 1950 fewer than four million U.S. residents were from Spanish-speaking countries" (Hispanic Americans, 2008, Para. 1). That is ten times their total population over the last 58 years. This easily makes this group the fastest growing minority group and the largest minority group in the United States. Without a doubt, this kind of growth will have its affects. From the east coast to the west...