Al barret

Essay by Albarret555University, Ph.D.C-, September 2014

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Science 9F Blake M.

Series and parallel circuits Lab

Part A: Series





The bulb will light up pretty bright



The 2 bulbs will be a little dimmer because they don't have as much power

Not as strong


The 3 bulbs will be even dimmer

Less strong

3, 1 unscrewed

The whole circuit will shut off because there will be nowhere else for the current to pass

The whole circuit shut off

Part B: Parallel





They will both light up

They both lit up


They will all light up but a bit dimmer

They lit up but dimmer

3, 1 unscrewed

Only 1 will go off because it's a parallel circuit

1 light went off

Part C: pg. 288 Q. 2-6 (both sets)

2. Series Circuit - The brightness of the bulbs changes when you add more bulbs because the current in series passes from one bulb to another and the power gets lesser as it passes from bulb to bulb.

This is because the power has to be distributed between each bulb on the same path and each bulb you pass adds resistance.

Parallel Circuit - The brightness of the bulbs doesn't change because each bulb in on its separate path thus getting the same power as the others. There is no added resistance.

3. Series Circuit - The circuit shut off because there is only one path for the current to go through and when the light bulb is unscrewed the circuit breaks.

Parallel - Only the one light bulb shut off because each bulb has its separate path on a parallel circuit making it so one light bulb being unscrewed doesn't affect the others.

4. Series Circuit - If you kept adding light bulbs to a...