
Essay by EssaySwap ContributorHigh School, 12th grade February 2008

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Alcohol is a chemical substance made up of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon. Alcohol that we drink can come in three main forms, which are beers, wines, and spirits. Some of these drinks can contain a higher concentration of alcohol than others by the way in which they are brewed or stilled. Most drinks though, contain the same amount of pure alcohol.

When we drink alcohol, it is absorbed quickly from the stomach and goes directly into the bloodstream. It will then reach the brain and all the other body tissues. It takes only about one minute for the first sip of beer to enter the brain. Alcohol slows down brain cells but increases the heartbeat. Alcohol is a toxin or poison to the human body. The body can remove the alcohol in two ways: excretion and metabolism. 90% of the alcohol remains in the body until enzymes in the liver break it down.

The liver can break down about one-third ounce of pure alcohol every hour.

Alcohol has different effects on each person. The effects depend on a person's weight, age, sex, type of alcohol, mood and expectations. Women are also effected faster than men because they have more body fat. Fat absorbs alcohol poorly. If alcohol is taken with other drugs, the effects can be very serious and maybe lead to death. When you combine alcohol with drugs, the effects are multiplied and exaggerated. The first effects of alcohol are to make a person feel pleasantly relaxed. Then at about a BAC of .06, the person will feel a little cheery. As the blood level increases, the drinker becomes more talkative and excitable. Soon they become very impulsive or aggressive. However, the removal of inhabitation's can mean they become tearful or depressed.

Alcohol does not only effect your behavior...