How was America affected by the fear of communism between 1945 and 1960?

Essay by NadiaRainbow3 October 2007

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How was America affected by the fear of Communism between 1945 and 1960?

The Cold War affected America in many ways, especially involving the Fear of communism. It was a war of words, with no fighting. It was tension between the communist USSR and capitalist America, starting at the end of World War 2. When Germany lost World War 2, the four allied countries of the USA, Great Britain, France and the USSR divided Germany up into four sections, each country in control of one section. The section of Germany given to the USSR contained Berlin. France, Britain and the USA didn't want the capital of Germany to go to a communist nation, because of the fear that communism would spread throughout Europe, so Berlin was split into four sections as well. This was very difficult as a quarter of the city would turn communist, and the rest would be capitalist.

The other three allied countries worked together, and each of their sections of the city and country were similar. However, the USSR separated their section a lot from the rest, even building a wall in Berlin to stop people getting in and out of their section.

Tension grew stronger between the USSR and the three allied countries, as the USSR tried to turn other European countries communist. America really didn't want this and were scared of what would happen if communism started spreading. The USSR succeeded in converting many Eastern European countries to communism, such as Yugoslavia, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. Soon, the president of America, Franklin D Roosevelt starting speaking of an 'Iron Curtain' - a metaphorical curtain separating West capitalist countries, and East Communist countries. President Roosevelt was attempting to draw a line separating the communist countries from the capitalist ones, to try and stop communism...