America's Persecuted Minority: Big Business : Ann Rand

Essay by eastendbeachbumCollege, Undergraduate May 2004

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Ann Rand opens up her discussion of big business by asking the reader to examine the definition of persecution. She makes it impossible to deny that the group of people that she is referring to is undergoing some form of unfair treatment. "If a small group were always regarded as guilty, if this group was always made to pay for the sins, errors, or failures of any other group, if this group has to live under silent reign of terror, under special laws, from which all other people were immune..." This makes the case pretty plainly that the group of people Ann Rand is referring to has to experience some sort of special treatment that can be considered as unfair. The surprise is that she is referring to the American business man, and more specifically, Big Business.

Big Business in American society has never really had a favorable place, unless you were part of that group.

This is true for just about any group in our society. After the stock market crash of the 1920s, an "more vigilant government" was put into place to watch over the economic workings of our country to try and prevent the monopolistic culture that occurred. Largely as a result of this, there were many laws and acts (Sherman Antitrust Act) put into place to prevent this from happening. That is what Ann Rand is probably referring to when she says "under special laws from which all other people are immune." What she doesn't talk about is the destruction of the economy that happened before the creation of these laws.

From reading this, Rand seems to be looking at Big Business from the right side of the political spectrum. Minority rights are typically a Democratic and or Liberal issue. What makes her analysis...