American History

Essay by bogoHigh School, 10th gradeA, November 2004

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There are as many British settlers as there are stars. With the Spanish cultures, and France making them believe in what the government wants them to believe in They were moving out to the new land. Before they know it the population will rise from 2,000 to 20,000 in a short time period. Again, the French settlers would rather settle with the British rather than the Spanish.

Secondly, a difference between the Northern and the Southern colonies is that the Spanish's food supply was better than the British's. The reason why is because the Indians helped the Spanish in the Southern region and the British had no Indians to help them. With the Indians helping the Spanish, the Spanish developed a bit better society then before. One out of every fifteen British colonist settlers realized that if they didn't receive some professional help they would most likely have to return back to France or join in with the Spanish.

Most likely some would have chosen one way, and some the other way but I think that if you would have had more rights than if you had returned back to France. As you can see there were lots of similarities and differences between the Northern and the Southern colonies.

There were a lot of similarities and differences between the Northern and the Southern colonies the first similarity is that the Northern and the Southern colonies were both land greedy the second similarity is that if the colonies didn't work as a team than nothing would be accomplished. The first difference between the Northern and the Southern colonies was that the French would rather prefer the British over the Spanish and the second difference is that the Spanish had a bit better society since the Indians helped them. A huge...