Analysis of the lawyer scene in Albert Camus's novel 'The stranger'

Essay by jellenkoA+, May 2004

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The section deals with the colonel's visit to the lawyer. The colonel wishes to discuss his case and the fifteen year long wait for its resolution.

The lawyer is a monumental black man. Firstly he is presented as poor and this is visible throughout the text. He works in a barnyard and everything surrounding him is of wood. He uses a pianola as a desk and the whole room is made out of unsanded boards. Another proof of poverty is the poor condition of his teeth, in contrast with previously mentioned perfect teeth of the rich doctor.

He is also introduced as a lazy and untidy person. When the colonel comes in, he is stretched out in the hammock and the whole room is dusty with papers all jumbled up and stuffed in compartments. This is totally opposite from any kind of professional because they are mostly neat like the doctor.

Even the colonel tries hard to be neat and as presentable as he can be. There is also evidence of the lawyer being careless and not interested in his cases. This is visible when he just sits back and fans himself while the colonel expresses his concern over the long time that passed without results. It is also noticeable when the lawyer makes up excuses like that the proof of claim is probably lost or when he says that fifteen years ago it was easier. During their conversation they are interrupted by ducks right at the part where the colonel says he wants to change lawyers. At this time the lawyer thinks it more important to chase the ducks away than to convince the colonel to continue being his client.

The colonel on the other hand is convinced that the lawyers were the only ones that...