
Essay by jordan8900 March 2007

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Skull - Composition•Composed of a number of separate bones that articulate with each other via fibrous immobile joints called sutures except for the mandible that articulates via the mobile synovial temporomandibular joint•The bones can be divided into the cranium and the facial bones•The upper part of the cranium is the vault and the lowest part is the base of the skullThe Skull - Composition•Skull vault is made up of two layers-External & Internal tables of compact bone separated by spongy bone - diploeInternal layer is thinner & more brittleBoth tables are covered by periosteum-pericranium-outer layer &endocranium-internal layerSkull - Anterior & Lateral View•Frontal Bone:Curves downward to form the upper margins of the orbitsMedially it articulates the frontal process of the maxillae & nasal bonesLaterally it articulates with the frontal processes of the zygomatic bones•Orbital margins are bounded by:Frontal bone-superiorlyZygomatic bone-laterallyZygomatic & Maxilla-inferiorlyMaxilla & Frontal bones-mediallySuperciliary arches on each side as well as the supraorbital notches or foramenSkull - Anterior & Lateral View•Frontal sinuses: two hollow spaces lined with mucous membranes just above the orbital margins•Bridge of the nose formed by 2 nasal bones•Anterior nasal aperture-formed by the lower borders of the nasal bones & the maxilla•Nasal cavity is divided by the midline nasal septum which is made up of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone & the vomer bone, with palatine & maxillary inferiorly + Septal Cartilage•Superior & middle nasal conchae of the ethmoid bone jut into the nasal cavity•Inferior nasal conchae are separate bonesSkull - Air SinusesSkull - Cranium and Facial BonesSkull - SuturesSkull - Nasal & maxillary Bones•Nasal cavity is divided by the midline nasal septum.

•It is made up of the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone & the vomer bone, with palatine & maxillary inferiorly + Septal Cartilage•Superior & middle nasal conchae of the ethmoid bone...