Animal Farm by George Orwell Animal Farm as a Political Satire

Essay by datajack3High School, 10th gradeA+, August 2004

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Throughout the twentieth century many different governments surfaced. These governments, bent on cutting out their own piece of world power, did whatever it took to keep them above the rest of the world. One example of this is the rise of the Nazi party in Germany during the 1930's. Under Adolf Hitler the Nazis used some of the most immoral tactics to stay a world power. In the political satire Animal Farm, George Orwell focuses on the Nazi party to create the state the animals are forced to live in.

During the rise of Nazi Germany, ruler Adolf Hitler employed a tactic to create a new generation of Nazi-loving people. These people would later be called Hitler's "youth", young children brainwashed into believing that preserving their leader and Nazi Germany were more important than their own lives. In Animal Farm the dogs that protect Napoleon can represent Hitler's "youth" because they were taken in by Napoleon at a young age.

Once they were released the dogs did whatever Napoleon ordered. When the dogs make their first appearance by chasing Snowball out, Orwell recalls that, "[T]hey were the puppies whom Napoleon had taken away from their mothers and reared privately" (68). This brainwashing also turned the masses of Germany and Animal Farm into ignorant and naïve people. In the novel the sheep can represent the ignorance of society as Orwell states, "Then the sheep broke out into a tremendous bleating of 'Four legs good, two legs bad!' Which went on for nearly a quarter of an hour [...] (69). The bleating of the sheep saying, "Four legs good, two legs bad" shows how they had been brainwashed into believing that one simple statement.

Continuing their plan for world-domination Nazi Germany had another agenda in which they followed to the letter,