"Animal Farm" - George Orwell - Political Regimes (Idealism)

Essay by mross12High School, 10th gradeA-, September 2007

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One of the central themes in Animal Farm by George Orwell is the exploration of how a new social or political regime can fail to live up to the original idealism that inspired its introduction. In the modern world there are many examples of this occurring, such as in Iraq and Zimbabwe where their leaders were originally welcomed by their people but now their regimes have failed or are in the process of disintegration.

Animal Farm shows examples of a communist regime throughout (the equality in food, work and living conditions) and how communist regimes often fall apart, in this case into a dictatorship, when Napoleon becomes the absolute leader and completely changes the core values of the farm.

The first example of communism is at the beginning of the book, when Old Major recounts his dream and rallies the animals to the idea of equality: "Is it not crystal clear, then, comrades that all the evils of this life spring from the tyranny of human beings? Only get rid of man and the produce of our labour would be our own."

He then goes on to say that "almost overnight" they would become "rich and free". This gives the animals the thought of equality and that they would be much better off without Man and, therefore, the thought of a revolution.

For the first few months after the revolution every one is getting along, sharing food, and generally feeling much better now that Mr. and Mrs. Jones are no longer controlling the farm, "the animals were happy as they had never conceived it possible to be … with the worthless parasitical human beings gone there was more for everyone to eat." This is often the case in communist regimes, that for the first while it seems to be going...