Animal Farm, by George Orwell. The purpose of the paper is to describe the use of allegory and satire found in Animal Farm.

Essay by sabraJunior High, 9th gradeA, November 2002

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Wine, Swine and Karl Marx

Nickie Cross 10/9/02

During the time when Orwell is writing animal farm, communism is on the rise and becoming a problem in quite a few writers' minds. Many of these writers presented their thoughts on the subject in the form of a satire. In other words mocking something in hope for change. Although Orwell agreed with many of Marx's ideas, he did not agree with how the communist party was carrying out Marxism. In a way of expressing his dislike of communism he writes the novel Animal Farm in a plainer setting then that of an entire country, instead he chooses a simple farm as a setting. With the communist party portrayed as pigs, while the citizens of the U.S.S.R are cast as all of the other farm animals.

To further this example of the allegory used in Animal Farm and its' similarities, the pigs have certain laws.

In both worlds, the actual and the farm, two people have the same ideas concerning how a society would better run and be a more equal place. On the farm, a pig named Major creates laws that every animal must abide by. In the real world Marx creates many ideals, which would then create a more equal environment for people. Just as what happens in the real world the pigs on the farm take these ideals and twist them around to benefit only the elite in a society. In the novel, the pigs take the laws of Major and turn them around so that they can do whatever they want and still keep the general public ignorant on how the leaders are abusing the law. Such as the law "all animals are equal"(Orwell 6) the pigs took that law and added "although some are more equal then...