Animal Farm -The Seven Commandments And Their Interest Based Modifications

Essay by PaperNerd ContributorHigh School, 10th grade September 2001

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In order for a civilization to progress and stay within the boundaries of serenity, laws, or as they are called in the novel "commandments", have to be established. In a democracy these laws would be voted by the majority, in a dictatorship however, these commandments would be established by a leader or more appropriate, a dictator. In those circumstances commandments could be molded to satisfy a dictator and his doings rather than interest of the majority. Throughout Animal Farm, such commandments are set out and then revised for obvious reasons that are in the interest of Napoleon and Squealer, their leaders that take the role of dictators.

Shortly after Jones was abolished from the farm, the pigs namely Napoleon and Squealer, which were said to be the most intelligent animals, established the seven commandments. As they quickly progressed, they moved their habitat from the barn to the comforts of Jones' house.

However this broke one of the seven commandments that said "No animal shall sleep in a bed." In order to pull the wool over the eyes of the less intelligent animals and remain in the house, the two head leaders changed the commandment to "No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets".

As time progressed Napoleon and Squealer began to undertake the traits of dictators. With this they began to cut food rations in order to have more for themselves. Further so, when the hens did not meet egg productions, the pigs became violent and slaughtered them. The slaughter of animals continued when a sheep was killed as it confessed to having urinated in the drinking pool. As more animals came and confessed their wrong doings the pigs saw fit to kill them and so in become necessary to amend the sixth commandment in order...