An anti-uniform essay, covering several points on why uniforms should not be implemented into a school atmosphere.

Essay by poisonenvyJunior High, 9th gradeA+, December 2002

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Why do many schools adopt uniforms into their schools? There is even mention of some public schools adopting uniforms into their school atmosphere. Obviously, there are some pros and cons in this issue, and both must be weighed cautiously before arriving at a decision. I think that schools should keep their students in mind above all. If they don't, then whichever choice they make in this debate will be a negative one.

Is it really fair to think that the outward appearance of the students will change anything? That if all students are "uniform" there will some kind of change? Isn't that idea a little superficial? In my opinion, promoting vanity won't help any school much, if at all. In some cases, it may even make things worse. Some parents complain about buying clothes for their children, and the great expenses that it involves. Some parents seem to think that if the students all look a like, the students will therefore be more able to concentrate on their education.

Students are young people, and mostly, it's normal for them to be concerned about style and general outward appearance. Stripping away almost all outward individuality will not help matters.

I think that there are more important issues than what kids today are wearing. If it's modest, if it covers up enough, if it doesn't infringe on anyone's rights, well then why shouldn't kids today exercise their freedom of dress? Freedom of dress. It's true, freedom of dress is an important thing. How you dress is an expression of who you are. Think about it this way, say the uniforms that are chosen, assuming of course the school does approve it, are against a particular teens fashion tastes. The teen will then proceed to say statements such as "yuck, I wouldn't be...