The Balcony - Act 2 Scene 2

Essay by sweeteli January 2004

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The Balcony - Act 2 Scene 2

Juliet appears at a balcony at the back of her house and speaks of her love for Romeo. Romeo, as he is leaving the Capulet's party, he cannot withdraw his feelings for his newfound love and has no choice but to go back to the Capulet residence to try and confront Juliet. This is the second of the love scenes, and as you go through the play they all have things in common that you notice. For example, when the love scenes take place, the two lovers are always separated from the chaos that surrounds them, the fish tank, the lift, and the balcony scene, later on we see a few more examples of this similarity, in hindsight the marriage and the closing scene. Their love is seen as real and pure, this is helped by the use of language they use towards one another which is imaginative and flowing.

Juliet appears on the balcony, and speaks of her love for Romeo, she says that she doesn't care that Romeo is a Montague, this shows the audience that the biggest factor in the pair being together peacefully cannot stop their love. The two versions are quite similar but have some obvious differences due to the modernisation of the play. First of all in Zefferelli´s version, we see Juliet walk towards the edge of her balcony. She speaks of her love for Romeo, she is so in love that she calls for him knowing there´s a good chance of him not returning the call, this is where the most famous line in the play comes in, 'O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?´ Romeo hears this as he is hiding in a near by tree, and...